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  • Events

    Internal and external events Here you can find an overview of internal and external events. Among the internal events you can also find the courses and workshops of the QUEST Center. Courses and workshops that we offer regularly, but for which no date has been set yet, can be found here . Archiv ➔ Past Events

  • Co-innovation program Enterprise Singapore

    Co-innovation programme between Enterprise Singapore and Charite/BIH In November 2023, the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) and Enterprise Singapore for a co-innovation program laid the foundation for a professional network of start-ups from Singapore…

  • News Charité BIH Innovation

    EXIST Transfer of Research program gives go-ahead for BoneGuide

    The BoneGuide team is one step closer to making its transformative bone healing technology available to healthcare providers and patients alike. BoneGuide is a project of Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and is supported by Charité BIH Innovation. On May 1, 2024, Aaron Herrera and his team officially entered the first phase of the EXIST…

  • News Charité BIH Innovation

    Start-ups from Singapore looking for project partners at Charité

    Charité/BIH and Enterprise Singapore (ESG) have established an innovation support program that promotes cooperation between excellent clinicians from Charité/BIH and start-ups from Singapore. Following the successful application of start-ups from Singapore, we are now looking for project partners at Charité/BIH.

  • Program and call for proposals

    Program and call for proposals The aim of the current call (start 01.03.2024) at Enterprise Singapore is to shape our partnership through transnational project work. New technologies and medical innovations from Singapore companies are to be further developed together with Charité and BIH researchers so that they can be made available to patients…