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  • BCRT

    In Vivo Liver Reprogramming and Blood-Liver Organoids

    Milad Rezvani

    Our DFG-Emmy Noether Program-funded lab has two main focuses: First, we are developing in vivo tissue regeneration as a therapeutic strategy. Second, we aim to understand the dynamics between hematopoietic and hepatic systems in development and disease using blood-liver organoids.

  • Immune System

    Infection & Immunotherapy Almost all bodily functions and their interaction are controlled and regulated by different cells of the immune system and their messenger substances. The aim of this clinical research field is to understand this interplay and its balance depending on age and disease, to make it diagnostically usable and to implement it in…

  • Cardiovascular System

    Cardiovascular System Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death worldwide. Heart failure is a global pandemic and is increasing in prevalence, indicating the need for better treatment options. The research field focuses at finding patient-specific therapy concepts for the treatment of heart failure. With inflammation being an important…

  • News BCRT

    10th RegMed Forum in the Cranach House

    The Berlin Institute of Health Center for Regenerative Therapies (BIH-CRT), Cluster Health Capital Berlin-Brandenburg, German Heart Center at Charité (DHZC) and Berlin Partner hosted the 10th RegMed Forum on November 23, 2023, at the Cranach Haus. The forum's primary objective was to engage various stakeholders in a meaningful dialogue about…

  • News Center Julius Wolff Institute BCRT

    Special achievements for trauma surgery: Georg Duda receives Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach bust from the DGU

    Univ. Prof. Dr Georg Duda was honoured by the DGU's Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach Bust on 23 October 2023 as part of the German Congress of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery (DKOU) 2023 for his special achievements to trauma surgery. The Dieffenbach Bust was established in 1982 as an honourable award for scientific services to trauma medicine. It is…

  • BCRT

    Model Systems for Regenerative Therapies

    Johanna Bolander

    The research group Model Systems for Regenerative Therapies leverages interdisciplinary approaches to interdisciplinary and translational research. Our goal is to improve our mechanistic pathophysiological understanding regarding musculoskeletal fibrosis to a level where we can offer effective solutions for clinical applications.

  • Berlin School for Regenerative Therapies (BSRT)

    Berlin School for Regenerative Therapies (BSRT) The Berlin School for Regenerative Therapies (BSRT) provides interdisciplinary training for young scientists at the highest international level. Interdisciplinary research and education Maintaining communication between scientists is one of the greatest challenges in interdisciplinary research.…

  • Ad-Hoc Grant to Advance Translational Research 2023

    Clinical Incubator Funding Opportunity 2023 Ad-Hoc Grant to Advance Translational Research Why do we offer the Ad-Hoc Grant? With the Ad-Hoc Grant, we wish to provide scientists in the BIH-Charité network with a funding opportunity that quickly meets the needs of translationally oriented research projects in order to realise the next steps into the…

  • BCRT


    Leif Erik Sander

    Infectious diseases remain one of the major causes of death world-wide. Emerging infections, such as the COVID-19 pandemic or the MPVX outbreak, but also the dramatic increase in antibiotic resistance illustrate the urgent need for novel antimicrobial interventions. Vaccines represent one of the most powerfull, safe and cost-effective tools to…

  • Clinical Development & Regulatory Affairs

    Clinical Development & Regulatory Affairs Clinical Development & Regulatory Affairs Our main task is to bring basic scientists and clinicians together in order to transform the research findings into practical applications. We support the BCRT researchers in navigating the EU- and FDA-regulatory pathways to speed up their product development…