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  • Workshop Equal Opportunity

    Workshop: EcoSomatics - the Science and Art of Well-being

    A workshop series to support early career researchers by combining scientific knowledge, artistic sensitivity and embodied techniques to enhance well-being. Connect with peers, share experiences and promote sustainable, long-term well-being.

  • Workshop BIH Academy Metabolomics

    Practical Course on GC-MS-based Metabolomics

    Take part in our summer workshop! The course offers an introduction to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), metabolomics in general and is suitable for beginners in this field who would like to expand their research together with metabolomics experts.

  • Workshop QUEST Center

    Online training course "Active patient engagement in health research"

    Online training for the successful design of active engagement of patients, especially in clinical research. Offered by the Institut für qualifizierende Innovationsforschung & -beratung (IQIB), together with the BIH QUEST Center, the DLR Projekträger and the Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Selbsthilfegruppen e.V. (In German)

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