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Blood vessels form extensive tubular networks that nurture all body tissues. Aberrant vessel growth and function are hallmarks of cancer and inflammatory diseases, contributing to disease pathogenesis. Therapeutic approaches to inhibit pathologic angiogenic responses are used in the clinic, but limited efficacy and resistance are unresolved challenges. Recent insights in vascular biology have put metabolism into the spotlight and revealed how vascular cells use their metabolism to form functional networks. The principles that arise from these studies illuminate new perspectives on blood vessel development and function, the translation of which might overcome the current barriers of angiogenesis-based medicine.

Michael Potente, BIH Professor for Translational Vascular Biomedicine, was born in 1976 in Aachen, Germany and studied human medicine at the Universities of Frankfurt and Toronto (Canada). During his experimental doctoral thesis at the University of Frankfurt, which he completed in 2003, he already dealt with blood vessels. Subsequently, he worked both scientifically as a post-doc at the Institute for Cardiovascular Regeneration and clinically as a physician at the Clinic for Cardiology of the Goethe University Frankfurt, where he habilitated in internal medicine in 2013. In 2012 he was appointed to a Max Planck Research Group at the Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research in Bad Nauheim. Potente has already received numerous awards, including an ERC Starting and Consolidator Grant and an EMBO Young Investigator Award. He has published his research results in top-class journals and is a reviewer for numerous international scientific journals.


Due to the current situation regarding the immediate measures to contain the corona virus, this BIH Lecture will be held Online via GoToMeeting. To participate in the lecture, please register here.

Login via GoToMeeting

Please note that the login link and access code are not sent out immediately after your registration! You will receive both shortly before the lecture, most likely the evening before. You have the following possibilities to participate:

  • You can download the GoToMeeting Appbeforehand (please do so before the lecture starts!)
  • You can link in via the Browser (preferably Chrome)
  • You can dial in by telephone (you will receive the dial-in number after your registration)

For security reasons, please login to GoToMeeting with your full name and institution (preferably in abbreviated form) and do not use any abbreviations, pseudonyms or alias names. In order to save online capacity and to keep the transmission stable, we kindly ask you to turn off your camera and microphone immediately after joining the session and during the lecture.

Discussion via Chat Room

The discussion will be held via the Chat Room function of GoToMeeting. If you would like to join the discussion, please type in your question into the chat area and moderators will pose the question to the speaker or arrange a dialogue if applicable.


The BIH Online-Lecture will be recorded for the documentation on our website. If you do not wish to be recorded, please make sure your camera and microphone are turned off at any time.

Thank you for your cooperation!


Friday, 30 October 2020
12:00 – 1:00 pm


via GoToMeeting
A login-link or dial-in number for the phone as well as an access code for the BIH Lecture will be provided shortly before the event.


Please register here.