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  • Liaison group Cardiovascular Research

    Integrative Vascular Biology

    Holger Gerhardt

    The Integrative Vascular Biology Laboratory aims to unravel the fundamental principles and molecular/genetic regulation of functional vascular network formation in development and disease.

  • Biomechanics

    Spine Biomechanics

    Hendrik Schmidt

    Chronic low back pain is a significant public health problem in industrialized society. The intact spine carries the upper body and external loads, allows motion in a physiological range and protects the spinal cord. These different demands necessitate a high degree of complexity with various sources for disorders and pain. The BIH - Julius Wolff…

  • Podcast QUEST Center Corona

    How did the Coronavirus influence research?

    During the Corona pandemic, half a million researchers from more than 170 different fields published articles about the virus or the COVID-19 disease. Many of them were not really virus-experts, even automobile researchers published about Corona. In the new episode of the BIH-podcast, John Ioannidis, famous meta-researcher from Stanford and Berlin,…

  • BCRT Biomechanics

    Architectured Biomedical Materials for Tissue Regeneration

    Ansgar Petersen

    Defects in musculoskeletal tissues, e.g. in consequence of a trauma, do not always heal spontaneously but require surgical intervention. Biomaterials implanted into the defect region have to potential to support the healing process. We investigate the interaction between cells, their surrounding extracellular matrix and biomaterials for the…

  • BCRT Biomechanics

    Engineering Regenerative Therapies

    Georg Duda

    Both mechanical and biological processes work together to determine the outcome of musculoskeletal regeneration. Whilst many of the biological factors have been identified and some even brought into clinical practice (BMP's, PDGF, IGF, etc.), the impact of the mechanical environment and the role of the immune system are only recently taken into…

  • Cardiovascular Research

    Angiogenesis & Metabolism

    Michael Potente

    The Potente laboratory focuses on the vasculature—the largest organ in the human body. We study how vascular networks develop and remodel and how their function becomes abnormal in disease states.

  • Cardiovascular Research

    Metabolic Pathopyhsiology

    Wolfram Döhner

    We investigate clinical pathophysiological metabolic changes of muscle and fat tissue in chronic diseases. In clinical work, cardiovascular knowledge is combined with acute therapy and stroke rehabilitation. Our research is focused on metabolic pathophysiology, which leads to weight loss and loss of muscle mass, cachexia and sarcopenia in chronic…