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  • Immune System

    Infection & Immunotherapy Almost all bodily functions and their interaction are controlled and regulated by different cells of the immune system and their messenger substances. The aim of this clinical research field is to understand this interplay and its balance depending on age and disease, to make it diagnostically usable and to implement it in…

  • Cardiovascular System

    Cardiovascular System Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death worldwide. Heart failure is a global pandemic and is increasing in prevalence, indicating the need for better treatment options. The research field focuses at finding patient-specific therapy concepts for the treatment of heart failure. With inflammation being an important…

  • Berlin School for Regenerative Therapies (BSRT)

    Berlin School for Regenerative Therapies (BSRT) The Berlin School for Regenerative Therapies (BSRT) provides interdisciplinary training for young scientists at the highest international level. Interdisciplinary research and education Maintaining communication between scientists is one of the greatest challenges in interdisciplinary research.…

  • Ad-Hoc Grant to Advance Translational Research 2023

    Clinical Incubator Funding Opportunity 2023 Ad-Hoc Grant to Advance Translational Research Why do we offer the Ad-Hoc Grant? With the Ad-Hoc Grant, we wish to provide scientists in the BIH-Charité network with a funding opportunity that quickly meets the needs of translationally oriented research projects in order to realise the next steps into the…

  • Clinical Development & Regulatory Affairs

    Clinical Development & Regulatory Affairs Clinical Development & Regulatory Affairs Our main task is to bring basic scientists and clinicians together in order to transform the research findings into practical applications. We support the BCRT researchers in navigating the EU- and FDA-regulatory pathways to speed up their product development…

  • Science management

    Science management Team Science Center Management The Science Center Management is responsible for the administrative running of the center. Together with the steering committee, the science management team structures the center's concerns. The employees of the Science Center Management enable the researchers and scientists to have an optimal…

  • Scientific and Technical Advisory Board

    External Science Council (ESCO) The external science council (ESCO) discusses all scientific matters with the steering committee. One important task is to bring research results quickly and safely into clinical application. Therefore, the council evaluates our research projects. Moreover, the council evaluates our scientific work on a regular…

  • Faculty

    Faculty The BCRT Faculty is elegible to elect the BCRT steering Committee. BCRT faculty members are automatically members of the BIH Research Focus Advanced Therapies and so part of the BIH faculty. Members of the BCRT-Faculty are the following: Stefan Anker , Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, BCRT Nina Babel , Charité - Universitätsmedizin…

  • Steering Committee

    Steering Committee Our Steering Group consists of eight voting members, which is composed of the 4 spokespersons of the Clinical and Organ System Fields and the 4 spokespersons of the Connecting Topics Fields. Together with the head of the BCRT Science Center Management, it forms the steering of the center and represents the BCRT internally and…