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  • News BIH Academy

    BIH Charité AdCSP successfully evaluated

    On April 9, 2024, the BIH Charité Advanced Clinician Scientist Pilot Program (AdCSP) was successfully evaluated by a top-class external panel of experts and can now enter the second funding phase of three years.

  • Calls BIH Academy

    Call: BIH Charité Junior Clinician Scientist Program (JCSP) und BIH Charité Junior Digital Clinician Scientist Program (JDCSP) 2024_I

    Das BIH Charité Junior (Digital) Clinician Scientist Programm ist ein anerkannter, moderner Karriereweg in der akademischen Medizin, das Ärzt*innen eine strukturierte fachärztliche Weiterbildung mit definiertem Raum für klinische und grundlagenorientierte Forschung ermöglicht. Mit dem spezifischen BIH Charité Junior Digital Clinician Scientist…

  • News BIH Academy

    "Nanoranger" characterizes leukemia cells at the single-cell level using long-read sequencing.

    Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) has expanded our ability to distinguish cell populations and elucidate their interactions with each other. However, there are still difficulties in distinguishing leukemia cells from normal hematopoiesis based on gene expression alone. Livius Penter, BIH Digital Clinician Scientist Fellow and specialist at the…

  • Event BIH Academy

    (J)(D)(Ad)CSP Awarding Ceremony 2023

    On October 5, 2023, approximately 60 fellows received their certificates of successful program participation at the "Rahel Hirsch Center for Translational Medicine."

  • Calls BIH Academy

    Call: Junior Clinician Scientist Program (JCSP) und BIH Charité Junior Digital Clinician Scientist Program (JDCSP) 2023_II

    Das BIH Charité Junior (Digital) Clinician Scientist Programm ist ein anerkannter, moderner Karriereweg in der akademischen Medizin, das Ärzt*innen eine strukturierte fachärztliche Weiterbildung mit definiertem Raum für klinische und grundlagenorientierte Forschung ermöglicht. Mit dem spezifischen BIH Charité Junior Digital Clinician Scientist…

  • Photo gallery BIH Academy

    Clinician Scientist Retreat 2023

    After more than 3.5 years, we were able to host the Clinician Scientist Retreat again this year - the entire BIH Charité Clinician Scientist Community came together for two days at Schloss Fleesensee. The goal of the retreat was to spend time away from the hustle and bustle of Berlin with program participants, mentors, clinic directors, members of…

  • News BIH Academy

    Former BIH PhD student David Willnow publishes in Nature

    Former BIH translational PhD student David Willnow from the group of Prof. Francesca Spagnoli, Centre for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, King's College London, London, UK, publishes Nature paper on „Quantitative lineage analysis identifies a hepato-pancreato-biliary progenitor niche“.

  • Video BIH Academy

    Video portrait: Angelika Eggert

    Public perception of science is still dominated by the image of men, and male scientists are interviewed and quoted more frequently in the media than their female colleagues. Therefore, the BIH wants to represent women scientists with its portrait series and illustrate their inspiring contribution to translational research, from basic research to…

  • Video BIH Academy

    Video portrait: Annette Künkele

    Public perception of science is still dominated by the image of men, and male scientists are interviewed and quoted more frequently in the media than their female colleagues. Therefore, the BIH wants to represent women scientists with its portrait series and illustrate their inspiring contribution to translational research, from basic research to…

  • Photo gallery BIH Academy

    Clinician Scientist Retreat 2020

    Clinician Scientists, their mentors and clinic directors discussed research projects and strategic BIH issues at Schloss Genshagen on 23/24 January 2020. Another highlight was the fireside chat between BIA Director Prof. Dragun and the new Chairman of the Charité Board Prof. Heyo Kroemer.