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  • Workshop BIH Academy Metabolomics

    Practical Course on GC-MS-based Metabolomics

    Take part in our summer workshop! The course offers an introduction to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), metabolomics in general and is suitable for beginners in this field who would like to expand their research together with metabolomics experts.

  • Sponsors

    Sponsors of the BIH Charité Clinician Scientist Programs The BIH Charité Clinician Scientist Program (CSP) is core-funded by the BIH and Charité . However, despite the great success of the program and the basic funding, the BIH Charité CSP is dependent on additional financial support from external donors. The BIH Charité Clinician Scientist Program…

  • News BIH Academy

    BIH Charité AdCSP successfully evaluated

    On April 9, 2024, the BIH Charité Advanced Clinician Scientist Pilot Program (AdCSP) was successfully evaluated by a top-class external panel of experts and can now enter the second funding phase of three years.

  • Calls BIH Academy

    Call: BIH Charité Junior Clinician Scientist Program (JCSP) und BIH Charité Junior Digital Clinician Scientist Program (JDCSP) 2024_I

    Das BIH Charité Junior (Digital) Clinician Scientist Programm ist ein anerkannter, moderner Karriereweg in der akademischen Medizin, das Ärzt*innen eine strukturierte fachärztliche Weiterbildung mit definiertem Raum für klinische und grundlagenorientierte Forschung ermöglicht. Mit dem spezifischen BIH Charité Junior Digital Clinician Scientist…

  • BCRT

    In Vivo Liver Reprogramming and Blood-Liver Organoids

    Milad Rezvani

    Our DFG-Emmy Noether Program-funded lab has two main focuses: First, we are developing in vivo tissue regeneration as a therapeutic strategy. Second, we aim to understand the dynamics between hematopoietic and hepatic systems in development and disease using blood-liver organoids.

  • News BIH Academy

    "Nanoranger" characterizes leukemia cells at the single-cell level using long-read sequencing.

    Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) has expanded our ability to distinguish cell populations and elucidate their interactions with each other. However, there are still difficulties in distinguishing leukemia cells from normal hematopoiesis based on gene expression alone. Livius Penter, BIH Digital Clinician Scientist Fellow and specialist at the…

  • Immune System

    Infection & Immunotherapy Almost all bodily functions and their interaction are controlled and regulated by different cells of the immune system and their messenger substances. The aim of this clinical research field is to understand this interplay and its balance depending on age and disease, to make it diagnostically usable and to implement it in…

  • Cardiovascular System

    Cardiovascular System Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death worldwide. Heart failure is a global pandemic and is increasing in prevalence, indicating the need for better treatment options. The research field focuses at finding patient-specific therapy concepts for the treatment of heart failure. With inflammation being an important…

  • News BCRT

    10th RegMed Forum in the Cranach House

    The Berlin Institute of Health Center for Regenerative Therapies (BIH-CRT), Cluster Health Capital Berlin-Brandenburg, German Heart Center at Charité (DHZC) and Berlin Partner hosted the 10th RegMed Forum on November 23, 2023, at the Cranach Haus. The forum's primary objective was to engage various stakeholders in a meaningful dialogue about…