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A federated network of aligned and interoperable infrastructures for the homogeneous analysis, management and sharing of genomic oncology data for Personalized Medicine.

EUCANCan aims at supporting and enhancing modern oncology. The project is jointly funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research over the duration of four years.

EUCANCan focuses on implementing a cultural, technological and legal integrated framework across Europe and Canada, to enable and facilitate the efficient analysis, management and sharing of genomic oncology data. The EUCANCan community consists of different European (Germany, France, Netherlands and Spain) and Canadian healthcare and research nodes, with strong activity in genomic oncology. We (Charité/BIH and Heidelberg University Hospital) participate in several workpackages with Jürgen Eils co-leading the workpackage on “Standardized clinical reporting across sites”.

This cooperative European-Canadian framework is aimed at improving biomedical research in cancer and serving as a model for globalizing and enriching personalized medicine initiatives, allowing the exchange of data, clinical experience and information across different national health systems.

Prof. Dr. Roland Eils

Gründungsdirektor des BIH-Zentrums Digitale Gesundheit

Anschrift:Kapelle-Ufer 2
10117 Berlin

Telefon:+49 30 450 543 084